GES-4 Online Testing Platform

GES-4 Online Testing Platform

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by Stephen B. McCarney & Samm N. House
© 2018

Quantity   10 - 49     50 - 249     250 - 999     1000+  
Price $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50
Minimum Quantity of 10
SKU 01110O

Features of the online testing platform include the ability to

  • create testing events to rate an individual student or multiple students,

  • email evaluators testing invitations,

  • assign facilitators to monitor the testing progress,

  • choose individual subscales for rating,

  • export scores into an XLS spreadsheet,

  • review individual or multiple scores on a single screen, and

  • print Profile Sheet and Performance Level Chart.


For more information on the Gifted Evaluation Scale - Fourth Edition, click here.