Characteristics and Components of the BES-4
  • The BES-4 is based on the federal definition of serious emotional disturbance (IDEIA).

  • The BES-4 School Version was standardized on a total of 2,446 students ages 4 through 18 years old.

  • The BES-4 Home Version was standardized on a total of 2,341 students ages 4 through 18 years old.

  • The standardization population included students from 16 states, represented all geographic regions of the United States, and closely approximated the 2011 demographic characteristics of the United States.

  • The BES-4 provides norms based on age and grade for males and females (K-12).

  • Internal consistency, item and factor analysis, standard errors of measurement, and test-retest reliability are reported.

  • Content, criterion-related, concurrent, and construct validity are reported.

  • The BES-4 can be completed in approximately 20 minutes: BES-4:L School Version - 76 items, Home Version - 73 items; BES-4:S School Version - 54 items, Home Version - 52 items.

  • The Behavior Evaluation Scale Pre-Referral Checklist provides a format for identifying behaviors in need of intervention.

  • The BES Intervention Manual, Long and Short, (© 2005) includes IEP goals, objectives, and interventions for all items on each of the scales. The manual was designed to aid in the program development for any student in need of behavior improvement.

  • The Intervention Strategies Documentation Form provides a written record to place in the student’s file, documenting problem areas and interventions implemented.

  • The BES-4 Quick Score computer program converts raw scores to standard scores and percentiles which makes scoring efficient and convenient.