Characteristics and Components of the ADDES-4
  • The ADDES-4 is based on the APA definition of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (DSM-5™) and the criteria most widely accepted by educators and mental health professionals.

  • The ADDES-4 School Version was standardized on a total of 3,356 students, including students identified with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

  • The standardization population included students from 20 states and represented all geographic regions of the United States.

  • The ADDES-4 was factor analyzed to create the factor clusters (subscales).

  • The ADDES-4 provides separate norms for male and female students 4.0 through 18 years of age.

  • The School Version can be completed in approximately 15 minutes and includes 60 items easily observed and documented by educational personnel.

  • The Home Version can be completed by a parent or guardian in approximately 12 minutes and includes 46 items representing behaviors exhibited in and around the home environment.

  • The Pre-Referral Attention Deficit Checklist provides a means of calling attention to specific behaviors for the purpose of early intervention before formal assessment of the student.

  • The Attention Deficit Disorder Intervention Manual includes IEP goals, objectives, and interventions for all 60 items on the School Version of the scale plus 90 additional behaviors.

  • The Parent’s Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder provides parents with specific, practical strategies to use in helping their child be more successful in the home environment.

  • The ADDES-4 Quick Score computer program converts raw scores to standard and percentile scores and makes the scoring of both the School and Home Version rating forms efficient and convenient.

  • The Attention Deficit Disorder Intervention Manual computer program provides an individualized printout of goals, objectives, and specific interventions selected for a student and implemented by teachers or personnel in the school environment.

  • Spanish language Home and School Version Rating Forms are available.